Videojuegos en el museo. Nuevos desafíos curatoriales

  • Luján Oulton
Keywords: videogame; curatorship; experience; aesthetics; exhibition


Since 1989 videogames have been chosen by exhibitions, events and festivals around the world to become their protagonists. Contemporary creations are imposing new taxonomies while they surpass both the genres of their own field and those of new media art. Artists and programmers are joining videogame developers in a process of analyzing and reconfiguring the device. The arrival of videogames at the artistic circuit provokes the standardized notions of exhibition and calls for new curatorial models. Entering their magic circle implies accepting their conditions and to rethink standardized notions. Videogames are now opening a new path for the aesthetic experience that requires a proper and independent approach.


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How to Cite
Oulton, L. (2020). Videojuegos en el museo. Nuevos desafíos curatoriales . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (98).