Ludificando las ciencias: un espacio para la creación colectiva

  • Julieta Lombardelli
Keywords: Gamification; Video games; Citizen Science; collective creation


This article addresses the collective creation from a triple relation: gamification, game and videogame, in connection with science, particularly, with Citizen Science. The term Citizen Science responds to the elaboration of scientific studies carried out by non-specialized citizens, in collaboration with scientists or scientific institutions. There are numerous examples of research projects in Citizen Science that been gamified or have developed complete video games. From this approach, video games and gamification manifest as a gear to incorporate new knowledge, but also to create and develop collective research.


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How to Cite
Lombardelli , J. (2020). Ludificando las ciencias: un espacio para la creación colectiva. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (98).