Un análisis de los videojuegos como agenciamientos

  • Luis Rossi
Keywords: sign regimes; materialities; game/play assemblages; Global Game Jams; engagement; applied ludology


Recently several studies have explored the limits and possibilities of videogames as expression of globalized cultural industry but also as a resistance point to capitalism. However, these conceptualizations often omit fundamental features of videogames as apparatuses (dispositifs) or assemblages (agencements) of contemporary societies as well as their relations with modes of subjectification forged in engagement (refrain). Our proposal will recover the elements that allow videogames to be studied as condensation of sign regimes (images) and materialities by identifying the lines (molecular, molar and abstract) that compose (re/ territorialize) digital video game assemblages (intensive semiotics of spatiality, mechanics and gameplay), as well as their possible lines of flight (deterritorialization). Likewise, if our analytical model finds its theoretical foundations in French post-structuralism, this paper will rely on the main contributions of applied ludology. Therefore, our paper will present a empirical analysis (comparative grids) on a corpus of 45 developments produced between 2010 and 2016 in Global Game Jams of the city of Santa Fe.


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Deathception (2010)

Land the Mime (2010)

Board Extintion (2011)

Dino Slayer (2011)

Downgrade Complete (2011)

Extíngueme si puedes (2011)

Kill the ligths (2011)

Missing (2011)

The Entity (2011)

Virus Lothar (2011)

Apocalipsis (2012)

Banvet (2012)

Chicken Defense (2012)

ValleOuroboros (2012)

Elusive Spirit (2012)

Panic Snake (2012)

Spider Loop (2012)

Todajato (2012)

Taquicardia (2013)

Marcos Paso (2013)

Destaparterias (2013)

Insane Heart(2013)

Sheep Master (2013)

SuperPipeHeart (2013)

Doki Doki (2013)

ClarOscuro (2014)

L’Empire de la Mort (2014)

Monochrome (2014)

Safari Race (2014)

Schrödinger’s Maze (2014)

Egocentric (2014)

Sigilo (2014)

Batch Desesperation (2015)

Dolores (2015)

Jimmy, el chabón (2015)

Physikaos (2015)

Square Revenge (2015)

Traptest (2015)

The Dungeon of the lost children (2015)

Ritual Blood (2016)

Voodoo Cloud (2016)

The Ritual of Namaka (2016)

Timmy don´t sleep (2016)

Hellffort (2016)

Argieman Origins (2016

How to Cite
Rossi, L. (2020). Un análisis de los videojuegos como agenciamientos . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (110). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi110.4067