Introducción Espacios de la ética y la identidad en el quehacer del diseño
: This edition of Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios en Diseño y Comunicación is part of the Research in Design line. Precisely, this issue brings together academic contributions that establish epistemological correlations in the broad framework of ethics, identity and design, reviewing convergences and divergences in the actions of designers within the framework of a task that seeks to establish parameters of professional conduct. The works that make up this volume have been grouped into three areas. On the one hand, the ethical visions that reflect on the practice of design as a professional exercise and its articulation with indigenous peoples; and also with respect to its historical transformations. On the other hand, the theoretical reflections about ethics in design, both in key of the ethos of the designed, as well as in relation to the challenges that postmodernity and the market propose to this ethos. Finally, the disquisitions around the social responsibility and ethics of design, propose an analysis of the challenges that ethically entails the formation of new generations of designers in the university environment of degree and postgraduate.
Berman, David (2015) Haz el bien diseñando. México: Designio
Beuchot, Mauricio (2004) Ética. México: Editorial Torres Asociados
Camps, Victoria (2004) Presentación en Camps, V. y otros. Concepciones de la ética. Madrid: Trotta.
Cobo Suero, Juan Manuel (2001) Ética Profesional en Ciencias Humanas y Sociales. Madrid: Huerga y Fierro
Cortina, Adela y Martínez, Emilio (2008) Ética. Madrid: Akal Cuevas (2012) Ética y comportamiento profesional en Cuevas, S. y J. Peypoch. Cómo y cuánto cobrar diseño gráfico en México. España: Gustavo Gili
Frascara, Jorge (2004) Diseño gráfico para la gente, comunicación de masas y cambio social. Buenos Aires: Infinito.
García González, Dora Elvira (2010) Ética, profesión y ciudadanía. México: Porrúa / Tecnológico de Monterrey Konow,
James y otros (2009) Morals and Mores: Experimental Evidence on Equity and Equality, s/datos,
Robles, O. (1952) Propedéutica filosófica. México: Porrúa
Ruyer, R. (1990) Filosofía del valor. México: FCE Sanabria, José
Rubén (2004) Ética. México: Porrúa.
Sánchez Vázquez, Adolfo (2007) Ética. México: DeBolsillo / Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial.
Savater, Fernando (2004) Vitalismo en Camps, Victoria y otros. Concepciones de la ética. Madrid: Trotta.
Spinoza, Baruch (2017) Ética. Sevilla: Espuela de plata. Ediciones Renacimiento.
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