La otredad subyacente como creencia. Una reflexión ética, política y formativa en diseñadores de posgrado

  • Leobardo Armando Ceja Bravo
Keywords: Ethics; politics; Otherness; belief; design; complexity


Reflecting on the ethical and political impact on the training of designers is also important. The designed object carries mediation implications, in whose effect the event characterized by affinity, but also by the confrontation, rupture or emancipation of people underlies. These implications cannot go unnoticed and constitute a fundamental element of any learning process. In the present text, some of the underlying beliefs obtained by two groups of students of the Master in Editorial Design Management of the Faculty of Design of the De La Salle University, Bajío are examined and compared. A first group corresponds to a student of the first semester, while the second corresponds to students of the fifth and last semester of said postgraduate course. In both cases, the application of the “Road to Hell” test that Milton Glaser (2014) has developed and that frequently applies to his students was used. The results obtained serve as a backdrop to establish dialogue and reflection based on the narrative identification described by the participants, and this will account for the complex nature in which the human condition is immersed, since ethics, politics and their practice, both formative and professional, cannot escape the daily responsibility of their designer work.


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How to Cite
Ceja Bravo, L. A. (2020). La otredad subyacente como creencia. Una reflexión ética, política y formativa en diseñadores de posgrado . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (120).