La naturaleza es la solución

  • Alberto T. Estévez
Keywords: Nature ; Architecture ; Design ; Genetics ; Biology ; Digital ; Bio;digital ; Bio;learning ; Bio;Learning ; Digital Organicism


Indeed, nature is the solution to the great planetary problem we face. And the one who writes has also shown it, along with others with him, or before and after him. Thus, in the following lines, analysis, reflections, experiences, cases will be found on how Design and Architecture relate to some of the contemporary instances, such as innovation, biomimetics, biodegradable materials, virtualization of processes, the concept of transition, the depletion of natural resources, social responsibility, among others, together with possible proposals and ideas to overcome the debate, or ways of solution.


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How to Cite
Estévez, A. T. (2020). La naturaleza es la solución. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (105).