A política das situações de projeto: uma investigação teórica em torno do Plano de Metas brasileiro

  • Felipe Kaizer


In debates about design and politics, design generally appears as an instrument of politics. In this sense, design is subordinated to alien interests, be they democratic or not. Therefore, in order to reveal its own political dimension, another conception of design is necessary. In this article, following the theories accumulated since the 1960s, design is considered as a process. As designing, it is practised not only by professional designers, but by a set of agents, with diverse responsibilities and capacities. These agents converge around a problem and give rise to a design situation, fundamental to the design process. The way the design situation articulates agents toward the production of a common future reveals its eminently political nature. The Brazilian government’s Target Plan between 1956 and 1961 presents an excepcional case of a design situation, in that it reorganizes public and private agents into a parallel administration with the aim of effecting the Plan. Bypassing the opposition from the political status quo and the state bureaucracy, Juscelino Kubitschek’s organizational strategy makes it possible, in fact, to fulfill his campaign promisses in favor of national development. Finally, the study of this case from a renewed theoretical perspective reinforces the existence of a design field of knowing-and-doing.


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How to Cite
Kaizer , F. (2020). A política das situações de projeto: uma investigação teórica em torno do Plano de Metas brasileiro. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (121). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi121.4378