Sentidos políticos da brincadeira do Cavalo Marinho: criando um novo espaço de possíveis

  • Mariana Oliveira
Keywords: Cavalo Marinho ; Jacques Rancière ; Politics ; Distribution of the sensible ; Aesthetic regime of art ; Theatre


The article proposes an approach to the brincadeira of Cavalo Marinho, an aesthetic and spectacular manifestation of sugarcane growers from the north of the forest zone of Pernambuco, questioning about its political senses. In order to do so, it seeks to articulate participants’ discourses, observations of presentations of the genre and analysis of the aesthetics of the brincadeira, result of fieldwork carried out between 2002 and 2005, with concepts elaborated by the philosopher Jacque Rancière. Organized in topics (the redistribution of the sensible, the power relations at stake, the context of the brincadeira and the aesthetic regime of art), the reflection points to four political dimensions, highlighting the reconfiguration of the space of possibles provoked by the brincar.


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How to Cite
Oliveira , M. (2020). Sentidos políticos da brincadeira do Cavalo Marinho: criando um novo espaço de possíveis. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (122).