El rastro de la moda

  • Yanina M. Moscoso Barcia
Keywords: Fashion ; consumer ; production ; carbon footprint ; environment ; reduce ; reuse ; recycle ; ecology ; sustainability ; ecosystem


A route is proposed that begins with obtaining raw materials, but does not end in the finished product, but rather diversifies into many other linked routes, each one aimed at distributing, showing, promoting, advertising; that is to say, to allow the arrival to each one of the possible consumers, offering them much more than the product itself. Since its origins, fashion proposes and produces behaviors and changes in societies. In many cases, these changes have been maintained permanently, although the fashion that prompted them disappeared.

In any case, it can be said that fashion, as an ephemeral social phenomenon, does not completely disappear, but rather produces a permanent mark; a trail that can be traversed, a trail that functions as a witness and allows to identify patterns, to evaluate and propose actions in order to minimize and decelerate the impact of large-scale production of fashion items, create new habits and sustain them in the weather.


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How to Cite
Moscoso Barcia, Y. M. (2021). El rastro de la moda. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (127). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi127.4592

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