Prácticas de creación análoga-digital mediante la investigación proyectual aplicada a la construcción de personajes para animación

  • Jesús Alejandro Guzmán Ramírez
Keywords: Creative practices ; animation structures ; production models ; technical systems ; technological systems


 Through the consolidation of a workshop model that seeks to explore the creation processes that opt for both analog and digital forms of expression for three-dimensional animated production processes (referring to this aspect in both areas), a project research process is carried out that allows to consolidate the variables of conformation of characters that start from random variables, but that are being complemented by means of the investigation, the assimilation of existing models and the amalgamation of referents to arrive at the process of generating a matrix that allows the conceptual design of a character. From this input, a design begins not only of the structure in the formal sense of the character, but the construction of its movement, personality and mechanics, taking into account the limitations and possibilities that both analog and digital allow in development. and animation of said character. The process is iterative throughout the semester and seeks not only to feed a form of projective understanding of animated construction, but also seeks to question students about decision-making, the variables that affect the feasibility of a development that will be encouraged and the solutions they must face to solve in a practical way, which from the narrative is proposed in the first instance. As a result, an animated production of 5 seconds is reached, both in analogue and digital, where a practical application of the research is sought, as well as starting the process of understanding character design in the long term.


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How to Cite
Guzmán Ramírez, J. A. (2021). Prácticas de creación análoga-digital mediante la investigación proyectual aplicada a la construcción de personajes para animación. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (129).