Minga virtual: herramientas de co-creación mediadas por las TIC

  • Paola Banderas Quirola
Keywords: Participatory design ; virtual education ; ICT ; collaborative projects ; cocreation


The year 2020 faced the SARS-COV2 pandemic, which brought with it the virtualization of education worldwide and with it new challenges in teaching-learning strategies. This leap was a great step for education where the success of the process responds to the commitment of the actors to the chair and the modality. An example of this process has been the Participatory Design Workshop, a subject that belongs to the formative section of the redesign of the PUCE Product Career and has the particularity of developing co-creation methods with vulnerable communities that have little access to design. and the benefits it provides. In the second semester of 2020 this subject was taught for the first time and developed in collaboration with the Sara Sisa community. This group of indigenous women from Llano Grande is recovering their customs through embroidery and have found in this technique a source of economic income, personal satisfaction, empowerment and collective development. This article presents tools that allow the academy to approach the local reality through the virtual minga as a cooperative process for the construction of projects that take into account differences as strengths for the construction of innovative products with value. It should be noted that the institution, with its background of quality training, has developed various means of virtual communication between teachers and students, which has made it possible to train trained professionals, empathic and committed to society, from various angles, demonstrating that the processes of cooperation Creation can be successfully supported by the new information and communication technologies.


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How to Cite
Banderas Quirola, P. (2021). Minga virtual: herramientas de co-creación mediadas por las TIC. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (135). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi135.5027