Feminismos en las Pantallas. María Luisa Bemberg en los setenta

  • Lizel Tornay
Keywords: Feminism ; gender ; women filmmakers


The 1970s evidenced a production of ideas and mobilizations around various themes of social, political, and cultural life. Feminists and women’s movements strongly challenged the hegemonic gender constructions designed around their domesticity. The discussions traversed the world of film production. Laura Mulvey wrote her emblematic text “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema” in 1975, questioning the place in which Hollywood industrial cinema placed women. Simultaneously, numerous European, North American and South American women, cinephiles and / or academics, discussed, exchanged, wrote and produced films outside the commercial circuits. The interest was centered on the search for a cinematographic narrative that would give women an autonomous identity, apart from male visual pleasure. Argentina was not absent from these discussions. María Luisa Bemberg, feminist, founder in 1970 of the Argentine Feminist Union (UFA), began her film production in 1972 with the short film El mundo de la mujer. This work aims to analyze the first cinematographic productions of María Luisa Bemberg (1972 and 1978) within the framework of the organization of local autonomous feminist groups and in dialogue with the ideas circulating beyond the borders, with North American and European colleagues.


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How to Cite
Tornay, L. (2021). Feminismos en las Pantallas. María Luisa Bemberg en los setenta. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (138). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi138.5075