El diseño. Una herramienta de mediación, interacción y diálogo humano

  • Leobardo Armando Ceja Bravo
Keywords: Project discipline ;Literacy ; Interaction ; Dialogic process ; Interpretation


This text seeks to contribute to the reflection on the interaction given between people througt the designed objects. Underlying this relationship is the mediation contribution that the design has, namely, dialectial. In this sense, reflecting on this implication that design has, is crucial and more so in today’s time. In the same way, it will be essential to analyze the influence and intervention that desing has in all areas of life, influencing the experience, the experience and the varoius ways of life of people, promoting, conditioning and determining ways of life and the ways in which they relate to the environment, so it is important that project disciplines be understood as a conditioning form of human and social behavior. In this context, the existence of a “design literacy” (Lutnæs, 2019) is crucial as an underlying dialogue process, it is a social continuum. Thinking of design as a discipline aimed at training, informing, promoting, articulating, regulating, reordering, re-signifying or reinterpreting decisively contribuyes to the social action involved, providing value and power to the interaction between people. In order for this dialogical process to take place, it is important to keep in mind the context in which these interactions occur, for this, to think of a “semiosphere (Lotman, 1996) of the interactions, it’s an opportunity to analyze the various resulting dialogues between people and what is designed, thus producing a doublé “analogical hermeneutical” process (Beuchot, 2016), the first one given when the designer performs all the actions required and involved to arrive at a design response, the second moment occurs once the design is designed, it’s immersed within the social context, generating an interaction with people.


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How to Cite
Ceja Bravo, L. A. (2021). El diseño. Una herramienta de mediación, interacción y diálogo humano. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (143). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi143.5138

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