El Efecto Kodak. De cómo la evolución de industria publicitaria puede significar su propia extinción

  • Mónica Baquero Gaitán
  • Nohra Ramírez Herrera
Keywords: advertising ; technological changes ; creativity


Advertising faces profound changes due to the impact of the technological revolution, the demand of effectiveness and the urgency of training professionals with competencies yet to be defined. Scholars who study the advertising phenomenon have different readings of it. This article presents as a classroom project whose intention is to understand the challenges brought about by the fourth industrial revolution in the exercise of profession and the study of the contemporary advertising phenomenon. In order to do so, it takes up the voices of advertisers in Latin America and inquires whether the advertising industry as a creative industry is about to reinvent itself or if it faces the Kodak or Blockbuster effect, typical of the obsolescence of the business.


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How to Cite
Baquero Gaitán, M., & Ramírez Herrera, N. (2021). El Efecto Kodak. De cómo la evolución de industria publicitaria puede significar su propia extinción. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (147). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi147.5469