Identidad gráfica de Gucci y Fendi. El signo identificador y su rendimiento gráfico

  • María Laura Spina
Keywords: Sign ; identity ; support ; scale ; microscale ; visual fabric ; fashion ; luxury ; Gucci ; Fendi ; graphic system


It is essential to discover the performance parameters of graphic signs when they are part of a graphic system. Although the function of these parameters is specifically technical, an objective communicational behavior of the identifying sign can be observed in the real context. It is reasonable to question the expressions of the sign, validity, versatility, legibility, generic graphic quality, even in micro-scale applications. As part of a visual identity system where visual resources are applied on different media, Gucci and Fendi brands show, in some of their applications, an absence of conditioning based on the use of independent parameters, allowing to achieve a correct identity behavior.


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How to Cite
Spina, M. L. (2022). Identidad gráfica de Gucci y Fendi. El signo identificador y su rendimiento gráfico. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (150).

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