Cuerpos y educación virtual: análisis de metáforas y traducción de la experiencia presencial desde el estudio del juego y la performance

  • Florencia Aguilera
  • Felipe Arenas
Keywords: Body ; Digital identity ; Performance ; Game ; Experience design ; Performance ; Body ; Digital identity ; Experience design


When we position ourselves in a scenario of health protection, where virtual classes become a necessity, a series of difficulties are manifested at a communicational, affective level and on the educational experience in general, which specifically harms the body of university students and their ability to generate links and organic communities. We understand then the face-to-face class as a space of interaction through bodily codes and tangible sensory stimuli, which in the videoconference format are reduced to the mediation of a single visual space, with a square interface and a sound that is generally out of phase with the back and forth of the signal. It is important to state that the learning experience –especially in creative disciplines such as Design– has multiple layers that go beyond a linear consumption of academic content.


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How to Cite
Aguilera, F., & Arenas, F. (2022). Cuerpos y educación virtual: análisis de metáforas y traducción de la experiencia presencial desde el estudio del juego y la performance. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (153).