¿Hacia una Revolución en el Diseño Inclusivo en tiempos de crisis? Experiencias interdisciplinares en usabilidad e inclusión

  • Alan Fox Igualt
Keywords: Inclusive Design ; World Health Crisis ; Social development ; Expert user ; Usability


Living standards of life have been hardly affected by a sort of precariousness that cities present within it´s devices and systems that are far from involving meaningful values of inclusion regarding usability. Nowadays, the global Health Crisis (Covid-19) presents new and important amount of defiance for society, and they must be tackled in a comprehensive way. Co-designing the answers, in a cross-discipline way. Not only people traditionally considered as “disabled” in this analysis, but this dynamic changes in daily life, affect the whole population. We must consider here that today, to the greatest extent, everyone has, in different ways, a sort of vulnerability condition towards the built environment. The designers should be in “front line”, whose essential mission is to answer and go ahead of time to people´s needs, and thus respond to objectual and visual requirements of our increasingly unpredictable, dynamic and complex life in society today. “Inclusive Design”, “Universal Design”, is an area of Design that maybe gives us the closest part to human person, and the crisis claims for an urgent renewal of it.


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How to Cite
Fox Igualt, A. (2022). ¿Hacia una Revolución en el Diseño Inclusivo en tiempos de crisis? Experiencias interdisciplinares en usabilidad e inclusión. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (153). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi153.6731