Dos obras con mecánicas de videojuegos sobre violencia de género

  • Mónica Jacobo
Keywords: gender ; feminism ; videogames ; technology ; experience ; violence


The possibility of inhabiting someone else’s skin as well as entering symbolic spaces in three dimensions, constructed with the materiality of polygons, is used not only for entertainment but also for the development of games involving social criticism. According to Judith Wajcman’s proposal (2006), technologies are composed not only by material elements, but also with the discursive and social elements of techno-scientific practice. In this work, we delve into two productions that at the discursive level guide the critical view on the relationship between gender and videogames, Sola by Agustina Isidori and Memento de Marlow Haspert, experiences that dive into problems of gender violence through video games language.


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How to Cite
Jacobo, M. (2022). Dos obras con mecánicas de videojuegos sobre violencia de género. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (160).