Smart biophilic patterns: a study on guidelines as an innovative tool for the renovation of internal environments of social housing

  • Jullyene Costa
  • Hilma Santos
  • Tarciana Andrade
  • Amilton José Vieira de Arruda
Palavras-chave: Design, Padrões biofílicos


Estudos sobre padrões biofílicos surgem como uma ferramenta essencial e contínua para melhorar as conexões entre a natureza, a biologia humana e a interação do usuário em ambientes construídos.


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Design: In addition to the authors mentioned, others will be consulted during the research

to broaden and deepen the understanding of the topic addressed.

Como Citar
Costa , J., Santos , H., Andrade, T., & Vieira de Arruda, A. J. (2024). Smart biophilic patterns: a study on guidelines as an innovative tool for the renovation of internal environments of social housing. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (239).


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