Reflections and experiences on the learning of the Salutogenic Approach and Positive Psychology

  • Mariana Gancedo Universidad de Palermo
Keywords: Positive Psychology, Salutogenic Approach,


In 1999, the First Positive Psychology Summit was held in Lincoln, Nebraska. The Summit established five goals, one of which was to expand curricula to teach the new movement’s findings. Currently, courses in Positive Psychology can be found in renowned universities across the five continents. This quick global diffusion reflects the great interest that Positive Psychology –the last exponent and catalyst of the Salutogenic Approach- has awakened. The Universidad de Palermo has been teaching the Salutogenic Approach and Positive Psychology more than 10 years. The aim of this paper is to review this experience by questioning the importance of such models in the professional development of future psychologists. Two methods were used to conduct the research: a) an epistemological reflection, b) an inquiry to test the opinion of psychology students attending the Enfoques Salugénicos (Salutogenic Approach) course at the Universidad de Palermo. Based on epistemological reasons and on the preliminary analysis of the inquiry results, this article concludes that the academic and professional development of every future psychologist must include solid knowledge about the Salutogenic Approach and Positive Psychology. 


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How to Cite
Gancedo, M. (2010). Reflections and experiences on the learning of the Salutogenic Approach and Positive Psychology. Psicodebate, 10, 83-102.