The concept of spirituality and its relation to religion in positive psychology

  • Luciana Fernandes Marques Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Keywords: spirituality, religiosity, positive psychology,


This is a theoretical study that aims to provide a review of current scientific studies on the concept of spirituality and proposes some issues for future research. The article brings a literature review on the subject, including several areas of positive psychology. Articles and books in Portuguese, Spanish and English were examined  and held a computerized search in the SciELO ( and electronic Indexer Google Scholar, and the references of materials examined. The descriptors were: conceit, espirit, religion, and their counterparts in Spanish and English. The purpose of this review is outline some definitions to set limits and help in conducting research when the researcher should choose constructs and measurement instruments. Comment some classical authors such as Wundt, Maslow and James. After there is a difference about religion and spirituality, discussing their similarities and antagonisms that are mentioned in the reviewed literature and how the concept of spirituality appears in Positive Psychology. 


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How to Cite
Fernandes Marques, L. (2010). The concept of spirituality and its relation to religion in positive psychology. Psicodebate, 10, 135-152.