Discovering the strengths and resilience building in cognitive therapy: A four step model

  • Eleonora Giusti Universidad de Palermo
Keywords: cognitive therapy, resilience, positive psychology,


The next frontier in cognitive behavioral therapy is learning how to foster development of positive human qualities. Development of positive qualities requires somewhat different therapy methods than repair of problems. More fundamentally, building positive qualities sometimes requires therapists to adopt a different therapy lens and philosophy. This approach integrates knowledge from positive psychology and resilience research, traditional cognitive therapy methods, and constructive cognitive therapy approaches. Resilient people have skills to help them face and handle positive and negative life events so they are less likely to develop psychological difficulties. Resilience helps people persist in the face of obstacles and, when necessary, accept circumstances that cannot be changed the face of daily challenges. A four step model exercises allow clients to practice a structured search for strengths that can serve as a basis for constructing a personal model of resilience both for patients and therapists as well. 


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How to Cite
Giusti, E. (2009). Discovering the strengths and resilience building in cognitive therapy: A four step model. Psicodebate, 9, 105-126.

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