Thinking and creative styles: the impact in educational and professional areas

  • Solange Muglia Weschler Pontíficia Universidad Católica de Campinas
Keywords: thinking styles, creative styles, educational area, professional area,


Styles can be defined as thinking and behaving preferences on specific situations. Assessing thinking and creative styles can give essential information on ways creativity can be expressed in the educational and professional areas. Considering this, a scale entitled Style of Thinking and Creating was developed based on the creative persons’ characteristics. Two main studies with Brazilian samples demonstrated the validity of this scale to identify creative productive individuals. Five additional investigations conducted with high school and university students, as well as professionals on leadership positions, indicated the existence of significant relationships among styles with learning motivation, school achievement, leadership behaviors and creative attitudes, but no relationships among styles and personality types. In conclusion, the need to understand styles for thinking and creating in order to provide better educational and professional guidance was confirmed. 


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How to Cite
Weschler, S. M. (2007). Thinking and creative styles: the impact in educational and professional areas. Psicodebate, 7, 207-218.