Intelligence in children

  • Martín Nader Universidad de Palermo
  • Déborah Benaím
Keywords: neuropsychology, executive functions, psychological assessment, intelligence,


Partial results of an investigation are presented whose primary objective is to adapt and to standardize the neurocognitive assessment battery C.A.S. of Das and Naglieri (1997) in a child sample. The test is an operationalization of a non traditional intelligence model (PASS) that considers the intelligent behaviors as a group of four cognitive basic processes (planning, attention, simultaneous and successive processing). The objectives of this work are to obtain the psychometric properties of the instrument and also, to analyze if differences exist according to sex and age. The study type is crosswise - transactional. It was administered the CAS to 150 children residents in Buenos Aires among the ages of 6 to 12 years (population general non consultant) and the WISC-III to a sample of 50 children. 


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How to Cite
Nader, M., & Benaím, D. (2005). Intelligence in children. Psicodebate, 5, 27-40.