Preliminar construction of a multidimensional scale to assess clinical symptoms of anxiety. Evidences of content and face validity

  • Iliana Díaz Kuaik Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Guadalupe de la Iglesia Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)–Universidad de Palermo.
Keywords: anxiety, evaluation, multidimensional, validity, expert judgment, pilot test


The measurement of anxiety should contemplate its multidimensionality. The instruments of local use present limitations related to incomplete approach to the dimensions of the construct, the content of its items, the capacity to discriminate the anxious symptoms of the depressives and the outdatedness with respect to the most current diagnoses. An instrument that takes into account the multidimensional conceptualization of anxiety and diagnostic criteria for anxiety disorder according to the latest version of the Diagnostic and Treatment Manual (DSM-5, American Psychiatric Association, 2013) may respond to the limitations of its predecessors. The construction of the Multidimensional Anxiety Scale (EMA) aims to respond to this vacancy and constitute an instrument with good psychometric properties intended for the multidimensional evaluation of anxious symptomatology in the adult population. The present article describes the procedure carried out in the first stage of scale construction: item design, expert judgement and pilot study. The wording of the slogan was modified, as well as the format of response and the writing of some reagents. The index of agreement among judges indicated that 18 items had little inter-agreement about membership in the assessed dimension. 


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Author Biography

Iliana Díaz Kuaik, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Maestranda de la Maestría en Evaluación psicológica y psicodiagnóstico. ATP Cátedra de Introducción al psicodiagnóstico de Rorschach. 


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How to Cite
Díaz Kuaik, I., & de la Iglesia, G. (2017). Preliminar construction of a multidimensional scale to assess clinical symptoms of anxiety. Evidences of content and face validity. Psicodebate, 17(1), 71-100.