¿Un Gardel venezolano? El día que me quieras de José Ignacio Cabrujas

  • Catalina Julia Artesi
Keywords: Dramatic art; identity; Latin America; myth


In this article the author approaches the idea of the myth and the way Carlos Gardel is transformed into a myth that crosses the borders of Argentina to become a Latin American mythical being. Throughout the work the author approaches in the first place the gardelian myth, framing it in a greater reality, the one of popular myths of Latin America in the context of a supposed loss of identity, its reaches and how its image was taken by dramatists of different times and different countries, like Chile, Venezuela and Uruguay. Then she focuses on José Ignacio Cabrujas study and his song El día que me quieras to try, finally, to reflect about this work and its validity, when in the beginnings of the third millenium Latin America utopias struggle to resurge, in spite of the globalisation.


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How to Cite
Artesi, C. J. (2019). ¿Un Gardel venezolano? El día que me quieras de José Ignacio Cabrujas. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (26), 9 a 13. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi26.1520

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