El tercer dominio

  • Daniela Di Bella
Keywords: Art; communication; culture; digital art; dispositive of art; esthetics; experimentation; technology


The incorporation of electronics and informatics in the field of communication and art –known in the ‘60s
“computer art” and later the foray of digital medias according to a merged or differentiated use, the interactive-gesture possibility and the treatment of the idea of art as an information category- makes a work come up, which can be understood as a device ready to generate or deploy a resort of art, an installation, intervention or playful, media and interactive put on. This situation has changed the concept of the work and its phenomenological record, and expands it into the universe of transmission and massive circulation, moves it away from the romantic concept that guided and still guides most of the ideological areas of art, and extends it into the field of experimentation and multiplicity.
The conceptual, poetic and ironic generation of these work proposes a critic, creative and experimental
scenery, which not being static at all, becomes a relative universe as fixed variable of the system.


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How to Cite
Di Bella, D. (2019). El tercer dominio. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (20), 35 a 40. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi20.1599

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