El oído tiene razones que la física no conoce. (De la falla técnica a la ruptura ontológica)

  • Claudio Eiriz
Keywords: complexity; listening; music; Schaeffer; sonorous object; sound


The present article describes how Pierre Schaeffer, from a technical fault and a fortuitous discovery, was forced not only to discuss with the musical acoustics of the age, but also to establish the bases to include studies in the sound within the paradigm of the complexity. From the analysis of the “Treatise on Musical Objects” it is tried to give proof about how Pierre Schaeffer confronts with reductonist thesis; with the simplifying visions about chance and with the thought that it is based on the subject-object disjunction. In addition to the hypothesis that sustains that the theory consisting of listening to Schaeffer, can be interpreted like a semiology able to unravel the complex processes of sound and musical simbolism. Finally a “forgotten paradigm” in the work of Schaeffer is rescued: the object-structure dialectic. This dialectic estimates discontinuity and hierarchy as the basic principles of the ontology of complexity


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How to Cite
Eiriz, C. (2019). El oído tiene razones que la física no conoce. (De la falla técnica a la ruptura ontológica). Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, 41(41), 59 a 79. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.v41i41.1777

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