Apuntes iniciales para pensar-se la subje- tividad que se expresa en los procesos de docencia en la educación superior

  • Orfa Garzón Rayo
Keywords: evidence; subjectivity; teaching


The expressions of subjectivity of teachers in higher education, their pathways and implications and the possibility to start a methodical thought of subjectivity are the two basic elements that cross this article. It was decided to do a first point that is dedicated to presenting a characterization of teaching in higher education to incorporate elements to address several questions: how poses a teaching profession in a knowledge society?, What is the role of the teacher? , how do you express the subjectivity of the teacher in this kind of context?, how profession, and subjectivity talks in the university teacher? The second point raises questions about the ability to understand the subjectivity from its focus on subjectivity and dialogue with intangible products from which teaching exercise is fed: this discussion is approached from two strains: simulation as subjection device to identify that is an important and symbolic type of management that impact the society of producers. The second strain approaches the ambiguity that arises between the need for certainty and the emergency to arise as a human being with claims of autonomy, dual cases, ethereal and present understandings that represent on one hand, the assumed urgency as subject involved and on the other hand, the exploration of a topic that although not new, if has been constituted in a permanent question in time. Thus, these initial notes open a wedge alternative for self- thinking subjectivity in contemporary and specifically on the stage of “doing teaching”.


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How to Cite
Garzón Rayo, O. (2019). Apuntes iniciales para pensar-se la subje- tividad que se expresa en los procesos de docencia en la educación superior. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (43), 259 a 272. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi43.1805