Entre hacedores de cosas. El Diseño y la antropología en el estudio de los objetos de Cuanajo, Michoacán, México

  • Mercedes Martínez González
Keywords: Design anthropology; participative design; furniture; textile; purépecha


Abstract: Local objects, produced in rural or indigenous communities –handcrafts– have special interest for designers and anthropologists, but the way in which these disciplines approach this subject is very different. The main purpose of this paper is to explore new ways to integrate Ethnography in the design process, and to use Design to get anthropological knowledge, in the context of Michoacán, Mexico. This research has a qualitative approach, and results from one year of fieldwork in a town recognized for its speciality in the production of wood furniture and textiles. The research is based on two study cases in which we look for new ways to make and know about a rural community in Mexico; for the first one, we built an image to understand the relationship between people and objetcts; on the other case we introduced ethnographic fieldwork to the design process.


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How to Cite
Martínez González, M. (2020). Entre hacedores de cosas. El Diseño y la antropología en el estudio de los objetos de Cuanajo, Michoacán, México . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (82). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi82.3720