Transgamificación y cultura: del videojuego como producto cultural al videojuego como totalidad cultural

  • Guillermo Sepúlveda Castro
Keywords: Gamification; Trans-gamification; leisure; game; society


Today, in the XXI century, Gamification (application of game thinking in nonludic contexts) has ceased to be a productivist methodology and has initiated a hard process of cultural colonization in those non-productive spaces. And today voices are emerging that demand that the Gamification appeal to much more, demanding to reach, even, life itself. This demand of overflowing can be translated into an unparalleled socio-political expansion of the codes and categories of culture, commonly linked to games and leisure. This colonizing phenomenon is called Trans-gamification. The present article will address its origins, as well as its philosophical and political projections.


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How to Cite
Sepúlveda Castro, G. (2020). Transgamificación y cultura: del videojuego como producto cultural al videojuego como totalidad cultural . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (98).