La identidad del Diseñador Gráfico del siglo XXI y la exigencia de la responsabilidad social universitaria

  • Flor de María Gómez Ordoñez
  • María Teresa Alejandra López Colín
Keywords: Identity; Design; Designer; Profile; University


Currently the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are immersed in a constant dialectical game between the responsibility that it has as a training institution for future professionals against the expectations of society. The educational field of Design is not the exception; Future designers are immersed in the inertia promoted by universities through their study programs, highlighting the relationship that HEIs pronounce with the social context, in that way, future professionals are expected to respond to the society needs; nevertheless, this premise is diluted by appearing as a plausible, but not real, discourse and is described only as a resource to legitimize the efforts of the universities within the Global Society; Thus, this participation has the objective of analyzing the identity of the designer, translated as the professional profile, an indicator that evaluates the effectiveness of the educational process itself, the resource to challenge a workplace, where the mission of HEIs He confronts himself and the identity of the graduate is far from the principles of University Social Responsibility (USW), which seeks recognition of himself and the other, for a better society


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How to Cite
Gómez Ordoñez , F. de M., & López Colín, M. T. A. (2020). La identidad del Diseñador Gráfico del siglo XXI y la exigencia de la responsabilidad social universitaria . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (120).