Complejidad e Incertidumbre: alternativas didácticas en prospectiva. El diseño desde el 2020.

  • José María Aguirre
  • Manuel Bazán
  • Gerardo Castro
  • Enrique Goldes
Keywords: Complexity ; Uncertainty ; Strategy ; Prospective ; Design


Learning the design process, facing a fact as complex as culture, requires a flexible theoretical position and simultaneously prepared for the uncertain changes that the future faces us on a daily basis. The cultural scenarios of design are multiple and, it is in this multiplicity, where the value of its methodology lies: the design process. Contextualizing, conceptualizing, producing, distributing, marketing, using and unusing a design product / service also require particular users, different interaction contexts and specific contextualization interfaces. Each stage is, at the same time, the product of the antecedent phase and preceding process of the link to come. But, for the learning-teaching of design this is insufficient today. The disciplinary definition of Tomás Maldonado –of more than half a century ago– has been very useful and, in some of its edges, still in force. But, a reformulation of the current W.D.O. It could become partially obsolete due to the current global context and its projection in the short future.


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How to Cite
Aguirre, J. M., Bazán, M., Castro, G., & Goldes , E. (2020). Complejidad e Incertidumbre: alternativas didácticas en prospectiva. El diseño desde el 2020. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (115).

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