Singularidad e hiperrealidad como horizontes articuladores entre arte, diseño y educación

  • Fernando Luis Rolando
Keywords: horizons ; intelligences ; scenarios ; imagination ; feedback ; growth ; innovation ; openings


This article will explore the singularity notion and how to improve the human education, will analyse the leaderships limitations to resolve exponential issues. Explores how the human singularity, open an interactive and interdisciplinary new hole on the cyberspace. It will discuss also about the poetics to explore a new frontier of the real world through singularity, the relationships between art, design and education, considering the innovative possibilities in many professional areas.


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How to Cite
Rolando, F. L. (2022). Singularidad e hiperrealidad como horizontes articuladores entre arte, diseño y educación. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (153).