La Franquicia Social como estrategia de diseño en la expansión de tecnologías en los territorios

  • Sergio Justianovich
  • Edurne Battista
  • Raquel Ariza
  • Fernando Ocampo
Keywords: Social Franchise ; Design for Sustainability ; Design for Social Innovation ; Design for Transition ; Safe and accessible milk ; milk pasteurization ; Family Farming ; Access to healthy food ; Food Sovereignty


The document describes the progress of a participatory management project that responds to a basic demand: access to safe milk. It is about the design of a system made up of products and services that, together, are capable of satisfying this demand, based on the design of innovative interactions between those actors that are directly or indirectly linked to the system. The project promotes impacts on different aspects: Sovereignty and Food Security; Health; Social and productive inclusion; Development of suppliers of machines and local supplies; Appropriation of the rent by the communities; Development of local capacities, knowledge and skills; Reduction of the environmental impact of current milk production and consumption systems. Said integration is managed through a Comprehensive Community Management Model for productive projects. During the current stage, the work strategy focused on the concept of Social Franchise. Application and management procedures were defined and designed, the equivalent of a kit of community-oriented tools, which allow the project to be replicated in a decentralized manner in the territory. This process took as a reference the implementation of the technology in six provinces of the country. The text makes visible the mechanisms that have been activated from Design to lead participation, and increase the possibilities of learning of the structure of actors that sustains the process of change. Instances of face-to-face accompaniment are combined with virtual education platforms, and management and administration systems based on Industry 4.0. The diversity of actors, their regional logics, the functions and motivations that relate them in each place and at a general level, give the project a complexity and at the same time a richness that invite us to rethink the disciplinary exercise within the framework of more sustainable transition processes.


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How to Cite
Justianovich, S., Battista, E., Ariza, R., & Ocampo, F. (2022). La Franquicia Social como estrategia de diseño en la expansión de tecnologías en los territorios. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (158).

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