Aspectos de diseño para la lectura de cómics digitales por personas con discapacidad visual

  • Igor Vinicius Da Silva Fontes
  • Luis dos Santos Miguel
  • Cassia Leticia Carrara Domiciano
  • Fernanda Henriques
Keywords: inclusive design ; accessibility ; interface ; comics ; visual disability


Comics are visual narratives. Although they are widely consumed, people with different kinds of visual impairments have difficulty accessing them. In this sense, this paper aims to analyze how design can make comics accessible for those readers. The theoretical references contextualize the language of comics as a medium for sequential narratives that traditionally employs visual resources. We will discuss the aspects of interface design and user experience in digital platforms regarding how people read comics from the perspective of inclusive design to understand the requirements and possibilities to create interfaces accessible for people with low vision or blind.


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How to Cite
Da Silva Fontes, I. V., dos Santos Miguel, L., Carrara Domiciano, C. L., & Henriques, F. (2022). Aspectos de diseño para la lectura de cómics digitales por personas con discapacidad visual. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (166).