Adaptation and validation of the Body Image Test for People with Physical Disabilities (PICDF) in a Mexican sample with amputations
Amputation impacts the way a person perceives themselves, values themselves and relates to their body image. In this sense, instruments have been designed and validated from different approaches and theoretical models to evaluate the impact of amputation on body image. However, there was no instrument that would evaluate the impact of amputation of limbs and soft organs. The objective of this study was to validate, through Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), the Body Image Test for People with Physical Disabilities (PICDF) in 281 Mexican amputees, through non-probabilistic quota sampling. The results confirm three factors: physical attractiveness (λ mean = .64; AVE = 0.33), functionality (λ mean = .55; AVE = 0.50) and satisfaction (λ mean = .68; AVE = 0.42). The global internal consistency (α and ω = .93) and by factor (α and ω = > .80) was acceptable. The data indicate that the PICDF is a validated and reliable instrument to evaluate body image in Mexican people with different types of amputations.
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