La música cinematográfica y la construcción del sentido en el film

  • Rosa Chalkho
Keywords: music; cinema; semiothics; audiovisual; musical genres; musical meanings


Music, even the most absolute and unreferenced one, begins to communicate and to produce sense when it is involved as a part of the design of a soundtrack or a film scene. Meanwhile the music performed in the concert room should be considered absolute or abstract, the meaning of the same music becomes a sign into a meaning chain, a fundamental link in the construction of the general meanings of the film. This article tries to make a demonstration of the role of music as a sign in cinema productions.


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How to Cite
Chalkho, R. (2019). La música cinematográfica y la construcción del sentido en el film. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (66), 71 a 83.

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