
  • María Bernardita Brancoli
  • Alejandra Niedermaier
Keywords: Design ; teaching ; projects ; development ; interdisciplinary ; innovation ; creativity


From its title: Design Challenges, Interdisciplinarity and Teaching, this volume houses a look at the future of design. Based on two distinct axes, the different aspects of the design today are analyzed with a proposal character. The axe “Teaching Design in a Changing World” examines different aspects of the teaching-learning relationship. For its part, the axe “Frontiers of design and its scope at the service of interdisciplinary projects” relates to different design projects whose emphasis is on public sector innovation, heritage and developments at national, regional and global levels. In all the writings, the creative quality of design is highlighted and developed.


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Ledesma (2003). Diseño y comunicación, teoría y enfoques críticos. Buenos Aires: Paidós.

Badiou, A. (2011). El siglo. Buenos Aires: Manantial.

Bergson, H. (2016). La evolución creadora. Buenos Aires: Cactus.

Levi Strauss, C. (2006). El pensamiento salvaje. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Ranciére, J. (2012). Las distancias del cine. Buenos Aires: Manantial.

How to Cite
Brancoli , M. B., & Niedermaier, A. (2020). Prólogo. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (103).

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