Rompiendo la armadura de Samus Aran: Mujeres en la industria del videojuego contemporáneo

  • Gonzalo Murúa Losada
Keywords: Videogames ; Fourth feminist wave ; Women gamers ; New media ; New narratives ; Gamergate ; Gender equality ; Video game workers ; Representation of women ; Metroid


This article aims to inquire the role of women in the video game industry by putting its aim in the representation, creation and reception of different artworks. We will put our focus in the present time where the 4th feminist wave has had a great impact. The purple and green dyed epicenter is Latin America, who will nurture the feminist ideas of other regions with new debates. These waves will flood different territories and areas, and video games will be no exception. With the support of marketing and publicity, videogames constructed the ideal of a male player, and thus, expelling the women from them. However, new players will set their foot on the gaming industry protected by the armor of Samus Aran, the first woman in a leading role for a videogame. The title answers back to the video game Metroid, one of the most popular titles in the 80s. The game takes place on planet Zebes, where it tells the story of the bounty hunter Samus Aran. An ex-soldier of the Galactic Federation fighting against Space Pirates. Her main objective is to protect the galaxy from these Pirates that intend to use the power of Metroids –a predator-like organisms that obtain energy from living beings– to dominate all who oppose.


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How to Cite
Murúa Losada, G. (2021). Rompiendo la armadura de Samus Aran: Mujeres en la industria del videojuego contemporáneo. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (142).