El lowbrow nacional, una propuesta híbrida

  • Andrea Daniela Larrea Solórzano
Keywords: Lowbrow ; underground ; pop surrealism ; comic ; fanzine ; street art


After recognizing the current artistic currents that circulate within the Ecuadorian visuality, we propose a review of the origins and consolidation of the lowbrow in the local graphic proposal. Considering that this movement arises in the US, anchored to an underground line, we establish a simile with the national production, seeking to understand to what extent the styles and trends that emerge in the art capitals permeate local graphics. In addition, we investigate to what extent the sociopolitical conflicts experienced in the country at the end of the 20th century influenced these graphic transformations. In this process, an iconographic analysis of pieces that make up an intentional sample is established in which it is possible to find the morphological and symbolic characteristics that associate them with this aesthetic trend also called pop surrealism. In this process changes in the production of comics, fanzine and street art have been evaluated as managers of this countercultural trend. For this reason, the lowbrow production contexts and the work of certain authors who display their work under this conceptual line in Ecuador are analyzed.


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How to Cite
Larrea Solórzano, A. D. (2022). El lowbrow nacional, una propuesta híbrida. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (151). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi151.6666

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