Un viaje al corazón del infierno: El fotógrafo de Mauthausen

  • Mónica Gruber
Keywords: Photography ; Reality ; Representation ; Cinema ; Testimony ; Memory ; Nazism ; Concentration Camp ; Document ; Francesc Boix


In 2018, the director Mar Targarona brought Boix’s story to the screen in “The Photographer of Mauthausen”, starring Mario Casas. The film offers us a descent into the heart of hell to perceive the ignominy, the human cruelty but also the courage of the human being. Several questions will guide our work: how to denounce the horrors experienced? What do we expect as viewers of a fiction film? What role do photographic images play as historical documentation? Simon Wiesenthal, a prisoner of Mauthausen-Gusen, remembered the testimony of a Nazi soldier: “No matter how this war ends, we have won the war against you; none of you will be left alive to tell what happened, but even if one of you managed to escape, the world would not believe it. (…) Even if some evidence subsists and even if one of you survive, people will say that the facts you describe are too monstrous to be believed. (...)” (Primo Levi, 475). After the war, Boix would become a witness to the Nuremberg Trials, providing reliable evidence of what happened. Fortunately, the men believed in those images and testimonies, once again, the Nazis were wrong...


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How to Cite
Gruber, M. (2022). Un viaje al corazón del infierno: El fotógrafo de Mauthausen. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (163). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi163.6993

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