(Re) presentaciones de las sexualidades en videojuegos

  • Gonzalo Murúa Losada
Keywords: video games ; dissident sexualities ; LGBTIQ ; digital narratives ; gender


This research arises from a mood of the times linked to the visibility of the LGBTIQ community, an aspect that is manifested in contemporary popular cultures. Day by day this issue is taking on a greater dimension, making us doubt our own structures in everyday life. Observing the broad success of the video game industry, which is five times the number of the film industry, the question arises: are there LGBTIQ characters in your narratives? Carrying out a superficial analysis we can affirm that yes, in fact, in recent years they have grown. I intend to survey and analyze the representations of dissident sexualities in a corpus of video games from different genres and years. In this way, it will be possible to observe if there are variations over the years in the stories and plot lines, as well as the way of narrating them. The titles will be The Sims (1999), Dragon Age: Inquisition (2012), and Overwatch (2015). Likewise, we will reflect on a mechanism that has existed since the genesis of video games whose users were mainly male. In a heteronormative society, it has been sought to include in these narratives female characters who embody heterosexual men. Unfolded bodies, virtual bodies where there is, as Lucia Santaella (2008) affirms, an “embodied identification” in these technological aesthetics.


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How to Cite
Murúa Losada, G. (2022). (Re) presentaciones de las sexualidades en videojuegos. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (165). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi165.7028