• Reflexiones sobre la imagen: un grito interminable e infinito
    No 54 (2015)

    This short essay prefaces the edition of this present Journal. Our intention was
    to reflect on the image and its importance in communication, social image constructions
    and culture, for which we focus on the relationship between image and: photography, cinema, memory, music, identity , gender, social networks, color and power relations. There
    will be intense reflections, by converging moments together while deeply divergent, therefore the discussion “between the lines” reign in the publication. Finally, this number
    suggests thinking breaklines and speak from the opening with the intention of promoting
    debates and opinions about the role of the image in relation ultimately, with humanity.

  • Interpretando el pensamiento de diseño del siglo XXI
    No 53 (2015)

    This Journal of the Center for Studies in Design and Communication, Faculty
    of Design and Communication at the University of Palermo, Argentina –Interpreting XXI
    century design thinking– corresponds to the joint second-publishing project with Parsons
    The New School for Design, one of the most prestigious educational institutions dedicated
    to the teaching of Design, based in New York, USA. The theme developed in this Journal
    explores in the social, economic, educational and anthropological aspects of today's
    society to visualize possible future scenarios that will define both design functions and
    the profile of the students who will be inserted in that field. Eighteen authors, seven from
    the U.S.A. and eleven from Argentina, recognized academics and professionals, addressing
    the problem through the eyes of their own specific discipline. The articles deep into the
    context of fashion design and analyze the problem under the gaze of sociology, interior
    design, ecology, fashion design, photography, advertising, art and pedagogy.

  • Cincuenta años de soledad. Aspectos y reflexiones sobre el universo del video arte
    No 52 (2015)

    This journal gathers the articles of several authors who analyze the particular universe of video-art through different approaches. On one hand, they reflect on the creation and production of this artistic movement known as video-art where the role played by the actor, in a media whose structure is based on the absence of narrative, affects the particular narrative cinema dramatic function; and considering that the spectator’s place also radically changes. In addition, the journal poses the particular relationship between the concept of staging, space and body in video-art, from the reflection of some contemporary video artists. On the other hand, the authors conduct a historical approach on video-art from its relationship with the artistic, historical and cinematographic vanguards, as well as its close relationship with the experimental cinema of the 60s and 70s. Another approach developed by the authors is based on the unique characteristics of video-art in the cultural field by analyzing their genealogy and reflecting on their current situation, as well as the possibilities in the field of university education to the analysis of
    video-art as a teaching tool. Finally, we reflect on the possibility of creating video-art archives considering the changes brought by digital technologies and the Internet circulation of audiovisual material.

  • Diseño de arte tecnológico
    No 51 (2015)

    Before analyzing the processes of project management, we have to explore
    What is the concept of culture from which we work? What are the dimensions of the
    cultural sphere? These ideas are part of the reflections that define the set of values and wills
    to development and realization in action. In this article, we address the management and
    the design of sustainable cultural projects with a long term vision, defined as a collective,
    shared and transformative tool that realizes our identity.

  • Diseños escénicos innovadores en puestas contemporáneas
    No 50 (2014)

    This prologue is intended to address the essays gathered in this publication from two axes: 1) The problem of identity in novice writers-directors, 2) The phenomenon of mediation and intermediality in present enterteinment shows. In this part we propose the analysis of each of the concepts developed by the authors, who show different perspectives: the approach of both the academic critic and the stage manager.

  • El Diseño en foco: modelos y reflexiones sobre el campo disciplinar y la enseñanza del diseño en América Latina
    No 49 (2014)

    This issue of the Journal of the Center of Design and Communication Studies in the Faculty of Design and Communication at the University of Palermo, gathers lucid and competent reflections from academics and professionals from different Latin American countries on the present and future of Design and Communications. This particular publication is the result of the exchange of glances, reflections and conclusions expressed by fellow academics and professionals in the Latin American Congress of Design Education, that the University of Palermo organized annually in the Latin American Design Meeting. We have gathered in this issue the critical view of authors from Mexico, Brazil and Argentina.
    The publication organizes its contents in four axes: 1) The disciplinary field of design. Perspectives and approaches, 2) About design education: critical reflections and practical applications, 3) Models approach to scope; 4) Creative industries and cultural context and new paradigms. The contents of this book have been coordinated by Nora A. Morales Zaragoza Autonomous Metropolitan University, Cuajimalpa, Mexico and Maria Elena Onofre, University of Palermo, Argentina.

  • Los enfoques multidisciplinarios del sistema de la moda
    No 48 (2014)

    This Journal published by the Design and Communication Studies Center of the Faculty of Design and Communication at the University of Palermo, Argentina corresponds to a collaboration with Parsons the New School for Design, one of the most prestigious educational institutions dedicated to Design Education, based in New York, USA. The multidisciplinary view on Fashion Design as a discipline in constant growth and evolution, reveals new trends and discoveries which find in this paper different and
    innovative responses. This enriching academic exchange on education in the field of fashion design in the context of the global industry’s changing scenario, opens the debate and poses the challenge of forming designers with a solid theoretical and practical support to help to their integration into professional life. Thirteen authors, seven Argentines and six Americans, addressing the problem through the eyes of their own specific discipline. The articles deepen into the fashion context and include topics related to business and entrepreneurship, history, student development, architecture, crafts, fashion design education, art, psychology, photography, sociology, anthropology, communication, philosophy and ecology.

  • Tejiendo identidades latinoamericanas
    No 47 (2014)

    The subject of the present notebook faces the problem of identity that comes several years struggling in the Latin American Congress of Design at the University of Palermo by numerous scholars from Latin America. Based on theories and then delve into specific cases and investigations, the authors deepen the question of identity design including concrete experiences.

  • Maestría en Diseño de la Universidad de Palermo [Catálogo de Tesis. 3ª Edición. Ciclo 2010-2011]
    No 46 (2013)

    This publication is part of the third Thesis Catalog, covering the years 2010 and
    2011. The first issue relates to the thesis presented in the 2004-2007 cycle, and the second
    edition of the 2008-2009 cycle, which also have different issues with discipline foundation
    and high academic scientific methodology. The articulation of all thesis projects, shows
    the extensive skilled scientific work proposed in the Master. Each of the levels of research
    work on the final outcome of the project, proposes a deliberate search for knowledge and
    solutions to problems that may be of a cultural and / or educational discipline.

  • Transformaciones en la comunicación, el arte y la cultura a partir del desarrollo y consolidación de nuevas tecnologías
    No 45 (2013)

    The following publication includes the essays of nine authors who reflect on the
    transformation of art, communication and culture from the emergence, development and consolidation of the new information and communication technologies.
    Several issues such as bio-art, digital cinema and literature of weblogs as well as the reconfiguration of cultural industries, specifically the mass media through events such as the concentration of power, social networks, the political activism and cultural management challenges are
    deeply analyzed througout the text.
    In all cases we investigate issues related to the production, circulation and consumption of new
    knowledge and products.
    The value of the essays presented below, is that each author contextualizes its objects of study,
    analyzing cases from which to understand recent changes in the field of communication, art
    and culture and raise questions from of which to think and act critically

  • Moda y Arte
    No 44 (2013)

    This issue of Cuadernos, gathers articles by italian and argentine scholars. This
    publication is the result of the meeting held on September 30th , 2011 between the two institutions and that was dedicated to The Made in Italy historical roots. The event was organized by
    the Faculty of Design and Communication of the University of Palermo in collaboration with
    the Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Articles in Fashion & Art deep into issues
    involving fashion history, aesthetics, design, communication, arts and crafts and its network
    with production and the consumer society of past and present.

  • Acerca de la subjetividad contemporánea: evidencias y reflexiones
    No 43 (2013)

    En este cuaderno ideado y coordinado por Viviana Polo Florez de la Universidad de San Buenaventura de Cali, Colombia y por Alejandra Niedermaier de la Universidad de Palermo de Buenos Aires, Argentina confluyen ideas y ópticas acerca de la subjetividad contemporánea. 

  • Perspectivas sobre moda, tendencias, comunicación, consumo, diseño, arte, ciencia y tecnología
    No 42 (2012)

    The present publication approaches some basic axes such as fashion, communication, consumption, art, design, science and technology. Nowadays, we know that knowledge
    cannot nor must stop being multidisciplinary, not even for those professionals who are dedicated to design and communication. This new edition of Cuadernos includes not only different
    subjects on several disciplines but also includes different glances from the different authors,
    who contribute to this edition, not only with richness and variety in their contents, but also a
    multiplicity of approaches that produces as a final result the same beauty that surprises when
    observing the figures when we watched through a kaleidoscope. A kind of mandala that hypnotizes by its wonderful mixture of shapes and colors.

  • Arte, Diseño y medias tecnológicas
    No 41 (2012)

    This essay precedes the compilation of this very book, wich general topics go around Art, Design and new technologies. By setting forth different problems and introducing some new thoretical categories, it builds a particular link between the ideas and the authors in this issue. The text goes foward about technology as a cultural, social and ecomomic phenomenon and from that place it analyzes the incidence of the former over the arts and design, taking in consideration some historical and contemporary elements. As a final note, the expression crtitical projectuality is introduced to take consideration about the creative processes in todays art.

  • Relaciones Públicas al sur de Latinoamérica II. Una mirada regional de los nuevos escenarios y desafíos de la comunicación
    No 40 (2012)

    The present publication of the Academic Center in Design and Communication
    of the Faculty of Design and Communication of the University of Palermo, Argentina, corresponds to the second edition jointly produced with the Faculty of Humanities, Communication
    and Administration of the University of Arts, Sciences and Communication, UNIACC of Chile,
    through the School of Corporate Public Relations. Public Relations, to the south of Latin America II: a regional glance of the new scenes and challenges of the communication looks for to give
    continuity to the generation of joint academic initiatives in the area of the Public Relations and
    to contribute to the interchange of glances on this thematic in Latin America. In this second
    publishing co-production, a group of recognized authors both academic and professional related, analyzes and reflects on the new trends, opportunities and challenges that communication
    management in organizations presents at the moment. The book approaches the preponderant
    role that acquires the Public Relations in an organization like pounding of visibility, positioning
    against the competition and commitment with their public to guarantee their legitimacy and
    sustaintability in a global demanding market, competitive and highly changing.

  • Alquimia de lenguajes: alfabetización, enunciación y comunicación
    No 39 (2012)

    The present publication is organized in the chapters “The alphabetization of the different disciplines; Communicating links and New ways of circulation, new ways of Communications”, since it crosses from three points of analysis the contemporary aspects that defines the different disciplines of design and the audiovisual languages.

  • Maestría en Diseño de la Universidad de Palermo [Catálogo de Tesis. 2ª Edición. Ciclo 2008-2009]
    No 38 (2011)

    This publication corresponds to the second Thesis Catalogue which includes the academic works produced in 2008 and 2009. The first publication includes the Thesis presented in the period 2004-2007, where also different subjects with discipline justification and a high scientist-academic standard are included. The joint of all the Thesis projects, are proof of the extensive and qualified scientific work developed in the Masters. Each one of the levels of investigation that work in the final result of the Project, propose a deliberate search of knowledge and solutions to problems both cultural or formative to discipline.

  • El Diseño de Interiores en la Historia. Maestría en Diseño de la Universidad de Palermo Tesis recomendada para su publicación
    No 37 (2011)

    Interior Design is seeking its own way as an independent field from architecture, essentially since the creation of the university career. Even though they share several logic and analytic aspects, gradually the thought mechanisms begin to take off themselves in order to work different scale, space conception, precision and even sensitivity. This process of conceptual dissociation requires several strategies, like the strengthening of theoretical frame works. In that sense, this essay proposes, by means of the historical analysis, a search of theoretical sustenance in order to consolidate the emerging discipline of interior design in terms of its own specificity, autonomy and logic. For that reason, the essay focuses in identifying those specific components that describe the evolution of the interior design in history. For this first edition, cult spaces were selected as the subject. Drivers like the inner-outer relation ; the functionality and circulations; the morphology, the dimension and the scale; the materials, the coatings, ornamentation, the equipment and the furniture; the light and the color; the sensorial perception; the symbolism and the iconography, were chosen to be applied to a work by different relevant artistic movements. This glance on the plastic and functional configuration of the internal space will be receiving gradually, a logic, a methodology, a corpus of own ideas and a language.

  • Picas
    No 36 (2011)

    El presente Cuaderno 36 del Centro de Estudios en Diseño y Comunicación incluye una selección de trabajos de estudiantes de la asignatura Taller IV de las Cátedras de los Profesores Alejandro Firszt y Carlos del Río, que se dicta en el segundo cuatrimestre del segundo año de la Carrera Diseño Gráfico de la Facultad de Diseño y Comunicación de la Universidad de Palermo.

  • Relaciones Públicas, nuevos paradigmas ¿más dudas que certezas?
    No 35 (2011)

    Esta publicación pretende realizar un aporte para la continua formación de los profesionales del área de la comunicación corporativa y empresaria, a partir de una aproximación a la disciplina y sus particularidades. Se presentan temas que abordan la comunicación corporativa desde una perspectiva estratégica y su incidencia en la reputación corporativa. 

  • La utilización de clásicos en la puesta en escena. Propuestas de abordaje frente a las problemáticas de la diversidad. Nuevas estrategias en educación superior, desarrollo turístico y comunicación. Maestría en Diseño de la Universidad de Palermo.
    No 34 (2010)

    This prologue proposes to frame the essays that conform to the present publication from three thematic axes: contemporary classic play interpretation, analysis of different aspects of staging, and the present Latin American theatrical panorama. The prologue goes through the main concepts that are developed in each article from the different perspective from analyses raised by the authors. The essays, each from their  respective points of view, reflect how classicism imbricates and empowers the contemporary theatrical universe, thus creating new approaches, staging and theoretical setups.

  • Relaciones Públicas, al sur de Latinoamérica
    No 33 (2010)

    Esta coproducción editorial aborda la comunicación desde la perspectiva estratégica y de la reputación corporativa, vinculándola a la vez a disciplinas y temáticas claves en la gestión comunicacional, como el liderazgo y los recursos humanos. También se reflexiona en torno a las expectativas de formación y competencias de los profesionales en los escenarios actuales, en los que el management de redes sociales redefine los esquemas de vinculación con los públicos y el uso de las herramientas comunicacionales, planteando un cambio de paradigma para la organización: de la bidireccionalidad al diálogo con las audiencias sobre una base de horizontalidad. 

  • Txts
    No 32 (2010)

    El presente Cuaderno 32 del Centro de Estudios en Diseño y Comunicación incluye una selección de trabajos de estudiantes de la asignatura Taller III de las Cátedras de los Profesores Alejandro Firszt y Carlos del Río, que se dicta en el primer cuatrimestre del segundo año de la Carrera Diseño Gráfico de la Facultad de Diseño y Comunicación de la Universidad de Palermo.

  • Maestría en Diseño de la Universidad de Palermo [Catálogo de Tesis. 1ª Edición. Ciclo 2004-2007]
    No 31 (2010)

    This publication proposes to demonstrate, from the thesis works, the bows between the academic formation with their absolutely heterogenous processes, criteria and mechanisms, and the own skill of each discipline, being able to validate throughout the document a theoretical model of own cross-sectional intercultural competitions of each thesis. What is relevant here is that throughout the way crossed in the masters it is possible to verify that the theoretical categories proposed by each student emerge academically in the empirical application making works original and even able to be published.

  • El paisaje como referente de diseño y Paisaje Urbe.
    No 30 (2009)

    Many of the most emblematic and significant present disciplines of design, as much as others whose center is human being –its needs and its behaviours– own a deeply necessary and defined bow with landscape. Those disciplines are fed and are inspired by landscape; they talk about it while referring to it; they are originated in it and they conform it at the same time they transform it. Which is that bow and how it is exactly defined? To what refer concepts like landscapearchitecture, landscape-city, landscape-body, landscape-theater, landscape-time and landscape-rite? This text looks for to inspire each one of the authors to reveal a little more about the essence of this wonderful bow by providing ideas, concepts
    and examples.

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