Prólogo. Innovación y compromiso para generar impacto positivo

  • Lorena Urcelay
  • Verónica Méndez
Keywords: Social Design, Creativity, Research, Community Impact, Cultural Diversity, Technology, Citizen Participation, Inclusion, Sustainability, Social Transformation


The second edition of the Solidarity Creativity Notebook is entitled Innovation and Commitment to Generate Positive Impact and is now integrated into Research Line No. 2 of the Faculty of Design and Communication (UP, Argentina), which, since 2023, changes its name to Solidarity Creativity: Projects, Practices, and Productions of Social Design. 


How to Cite
Urcelay , L., & Méndez, V. (2024). Prólogo. Innovación y compromiso para generar impacto positivo. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (223).

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