The present publication faced the challenge to reunite a professional outstanding group in the communicational management; each one specialized in its area, and to obtain an approach that frames the discipline, its practice and its particular features. It composes a current scenario of the profession, its projections and the challenges of the professional future. It delineates their areas of management. Thus, within External Communication it approaches the Strategic Communication (Comunicación Estratégica®), the Corporative Reputation, the Public Opinion and PR, the Crisis Communication; the Issues Management practice –specifically in environmental sustainable projects–, Public Affairs, the Marketing Communication and the Corporate Social Responsibility. Then, it approaches the Internal Communication and particular areas as the communication in the Small and Medium Companies, the Political Communications, the
Communication of international organisms and the New Technologies in the Communications. Simultaneously, the PR Professional Association –in its 50th anniversary– contextualizes the role of public relations making a valuable contribution through the inclusion of lecturers who took part in the “First International Conference of Public Relations”. Finally, the publication includes an interview to one of the outstanding personalities of the PR, that has the merit of being one of the precursors of Public Relations in Argentina, Lorenzo Blanco, who generously shares with us also, its last writings still unpublished about corporate image.

Published: 2019-10-15