Introducción a la Sección Debates Internacionales

  • Lia Rodriguez de la Vega Universidad de Palermo


    clear                   996 / 5.000   Resultados de traducción Resultado de traducción The Introduction to the International Debates Section describes the international scenario in terms of the various current conflicts and the particularity represented by the year 2024, as it is a year of elections in various countries, a kind of testing of various democracies and their confluence with themes such as gender, the security/freedom tension, migration, the dynamics related to a single-party system, communal violence, the advance of right-wing populism, the judicial persecution of candidates, the participation of new percentages of young people in the electoral scenario, etc. The authors who add their contributions on this occasion are Gonzalo García Solá, coordinator of the International Studies' Bachelor at UNCAUS (province of Chaco, Argentine Republic) and  Jorge Sabasta, professor of the same  career and also director International Relations' Bachelor at UCSE (province of Santiago del Estero, Argentine Republic).


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How to Cite
Rodriguez de la Vega, L. (2024). Introducción a la Sección Debates Internacionales. Journal De Ciencias Sociales, 1(22), 135-138.