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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word format.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic requirements set out in the Author Guidelines, which is found in the About the Journal section and in the relevant section within which the submission falls.
  • The copyrights of all the works cited are respected and plagiarism has not been incurred. The APA bibliographic reference system is used.

Author Guidelines

The Journal receives for consideration scientific articles, essays, international debates, social outlooks contributions, reviews and student contributions. Only original and unpublished submissions will be considered for review. Manuscripts are to be submitted in Spanish or English, in Microsoft Word text processor, A4 paper size, and numbered in the footer of each page. They must be written in Arial font, size 11 point, 1.5 line spacing, 5 point paragraph spacing, with all margins at 2.55 cm. Use 1.30 cm. first line indentation both for the body of the text and for headings and subheadings, and 1.90 cm. hanging indentation for bibliographic references.

Headings, epigraphs and phrases should be written in the Microsoft Word automatic font color.

Please avoid including pages in soft or large page breaks in the middle of the writing.

The titles must keep the same typography as the body of the writing and list, according to topic and subtopic, in ascending order (1; 2; 2.1; 2.2.; 3; 3.1; 3.1.1; 3.1.2; etc.)..

The tables and figures that are incorporated into the body of work will be numbered consecutively (Table 1, Table 2, Figure 1, Figure 2) indicating its source. They should be mentioned in the text and identified by their numbers. They appear as close as possible to the point at which they are mentioned. Each frame and figure must have a legend, ideally no greater than a line. The legend must go in the boxes as a heading, and as foot in the figures. The sources of the tables and figures should always be at the bottom.

 In order to ensure the integrity of an anonymous blind peer review of the articles and essays submitted for consideration, every effort should be made to remove any footnotes and epigraphs containing a direct reference to name(s), institutional affiliation or contact details that might provide an indication of authorship.

 The application process of a paper is carried out through Open Journal Systems (OJS). In order to begin the process it is necessary to create a user (Register); if you are already registered simply log in and begin the five-step process. Remember registering as author (Roles). Authors are advised to fill out as many suggested fields as possible in their author profile and in the relevant options to the metadata of the new submission.

Before beginning the submission, it is recomended to create a digital identifier for authors provided by ORCID. ORCID (Open Research and Contributor ID) is an unique researcher identifier that allows a precise identification of authors, distinguishing homonyms and maximising interoperability.  To create your ORCID identifier enter here. It is free of charge.

Articles submitted for review must include:
- Between 15,000 and 50,000 characters in length in total without spaces (including headings, abstracts, references, etc.).
- A title (in Englizh and Spanish).
- The mention that the submission is a Scientific Article.
- The statement: Original material authorized for its first publication in the Journal de Ciencias Sociales, the Academic Journal of the Social Sciences School of Universidad de Palermo.
- An abstract (in Spanish and English) of between 200 and 300 words.
- Four keywords (in Spanish and English) separated by semicolons and lowercase.
- The article must contain the following sections: Introduction (including the purpose of the article), state of art, theoretical perspective, method, discussion, results, conclusions and bibliographic references.

Essays submitted for review must include:
- Between 15,000 and 50,000 characters in length in total without spaces (including headings, abstract, references, etc.).
- A title (in English an Spanish).
- The mention that the submission is an Essay.
- The statement: Original material authorized for its first publication in the Journal de Ciencias Sociales, the Academic Journal of the Social Sciences School of Universidad de Palermo.
- An abstract (in Spanish and English) of between 200 and 300 words.
- Four keywords (in Spanish and English) separated by semicolons and lowercase.
- The essay must contain the following sections: Introduction (including the purpose of the essay), theoretical argumentation, conclusions and bibliographic references.

• International Debates contributions must include:
- Between 7,000 and 15,000 characters in length in total, without spaces (including headings, abstracts, references, etc.)
- A title.
- Full name, institutional affiliation of the author and email.
- The mention that the submission is a contribution to the International Debates Section.
- An abstract in Spanish between 200 and 300 words.
- Authors are advised to include up to four keywords (separated by semicolons and lowercase) in the metadata of the submission in order to facilitate indexing.

• Social Outlook contributions must include:
- Between 7,000 and 15,000 characters in length in total, without spaces (including headings, abstracts, references, etc.)
- A title.
- Full name, institutional affiliation of the author and email.
- The mention that the submission is a contribution to the Social Outlook Section.
- An abstract in Spanish between 100 and 300 words.
- Authors are advised to include up to four keywords (separated by semicolons and lowercase) in the metadata of the submission in order to facilitate indexing.

Student contributions must include:
- Between 7,000 and 10,000 characters in length in total, without spaces (including headings, abstracts, references, etc.).
- A title.
- Full name and institutional affiliation of the author.
- The mention that the submission is a Student Contribution.
- An abstrac in Spanish of between 200 and 300 words.
- Authors are advised to include up to four keywords (separated by semicolons and lowercase) in the metadata of the submission and specify the discipline. This facilitates the indexing of the document.

Book reviews and rescue must include:
- Between 7,000 and 10,000 characters in length in total, without spaces (including headings, abstracts, etc.).
- A title.
- Full name, institutional affiliation of the author and email.
- The mention that the submission is a book Review or Rescue.
- The bibliographical citation of the book that is reviewed or rescues.
- The statement: Original material authorized for its first publication in the Journal de Ciencias Sociales, the Academic Journal of the Social Sciences School of Universidad de Palermo.
-  A photograph of the cover of the book being reviewed or rescued.
- An abstract in Spaniosh or English of between 100 and 200 words.
- Authors are advised to include up to four keywords (in lowercase) in the metadata of the submission in order to facilitate indexing.

* All submissions must conform to the bibliographic reference style of the American Psychological Association (APA).

- For in-text paraphrased citations, include the author and year.

For instance:
For Sen (2000) the concept of agency makes reference to a person that acts and provokes changes whose achievements can be evaluated according to his/her own values and objectives.

- Direct quotations that are fewer than 40 words should be incorporated in the text and displayed in double quotation marks. Provide the page number(s) (p./ pp.) of the quotation.

For instance:
"participation implies considering subjects as the protagonists of the decisions; in this way, participation is more than acting together, it is about making decisions together" (Tonon, 2012, p. 15).

- For direct quotations that are 40 words or more, block format should be used. Begin a fresh paragraph. Indent the block quotation 2,54 spaces from the left, and omit quotation marks. Provide the page number(s) of the quotation.

- Include the list of bibliographic references at the end of your work. Alphabetize the sources cited in the text and the footnotes by the first initial of the author’s last name or, if the name is not known, by the initial of the name of the source institution or organization.
(In the case of documents -such as laws, reports, treaties, yearbooks, etc.- they must be incorporated in a section, at the end of the bibliographic references, for their proper differentiation).

* Example of a complete book:
Wolin, S. (2004). Politics and Vision: Continuity and Innovation in Western Political Thought. Princeton University Press.

* Example of a scientific journal article:
Horowitz, D. L. (2006). Constitutional courts: a primer for decision makers. Journal of Democracy, 17(4), 125-137. https://rb.gy/0rmtj 

* Example of a book chapter:
Phillips, R. (2015). Community Quality-of-Life Indicators to Avoid Tragedies. In R. E. Anderson (Ed.), World Suffering and Quality of Life (pp.293-304). Springer.

As submissions to the journal are made electronically, authors are requested to regularly check their registered emails in order to respond to comments or requests from the technical staff of the Journal throughout the review and/or editing process.

Authors are also requested to check their junk/spam email folders and email notification tabs.


This section gathers scientific articles that present original and unpublished findings or results of research projects based on theoretical perspectives and developed through the application of methodological strategies. Articles must contain a clear and coherent argumentation, and be supported by empirical material and/or a specific documentary corpus.


This section aims to provide in-depth reflections on one or more topics in a more elaborate writing style. It features original argumentative discussions on issues of disciplinary interest, providing a close approach to facts and their knowledge.

Book Review and Rescue

This section comprises critical reviews of academic books recently published, in which its contributions to the different disciplines of the Social Sciences are highlighted.

In addition, this section includes contributions known as “Book Rescue”, aimed at the recension of scientific texts or essays that, while not recent, enjoy wide currency and are based on an interdisciplinary approach. These classic works prove useful in spawning innovative subjects of study and theoretical frameworks through the integration of different disciplines.

Student contributions

The Student Contributions section comprises brief monographs authored by undergraduate and graduate students addressing issues of interest to the Social Sciences disciplines.

International Debates

The contributions in this section collect points of view or positions on issues of common interest to professionals and management actors of international relations dedicated to the current agenda of issues that affect or involve, especially, the Asian and African Continent. Section Coordinator: Dr. Lía Rodríguez de la Vega.

Social Outlook

This section is made up of brief current notes on various social realities. The purpose of the section is to make known to the scientific and academic community those social phenomena in progress - or of recent appearance - through specialized analytical and professional approaches. Section Coordinator: Mg. Francisco Lavolpe.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this Journal site will be exclusively used for the stated purposes of the Journal and will not be made available to any other party or for any other purpose.
This statement will appear during the registration of users and during the submissions process.