Migrations, uneven development and environment: the case of Ameca, Jalisco in Mexico
Different production and exchange systems have shaped the way of live of human beings, as well as its position in these systems and the conception of nature itself. The birth of industrialization led to the search of societies development through capital accumulation, which was reflected both in the big cities and in the new configurations of rural spaces. Rural territories were modified by the industries, that although they create other kind of jobs, displace the farmers look for alternatives as occupational, of adaptation to the new industries or territorial displacements, so much to national as international. This kind of situation it is still prevalent nowadays in the case of migrations of México to the United States of America, nevertheless this phenomena has been framed mainly from the economic perspective, leaving at side the relevance of the causes of an uneven geographical development, that in addition to influence the productive logics generates affectations to the environment and the relation of the human being and nature. Whereby the following writing has as objective to describe the way in which different global phenomena, as the uneven geographical development, the affectation to the environment and the migrations are reflect in a local level, taking as basis the particular case of a municipality in México, named Ameca, Jalisco. Concluding that in the actual situation of the municipality is necessary a sustainable development model, that considers not just the economic ambit, but also the social and environmental, to worry about the current and future situation at the local level from a global perspective.
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