Castes: Identities that cross borders

  • Nora Lucia Ibarra Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: identities, caste, discrimination, social stratification


The following essay aims at shedding light on different ways to conceive caste in India, specifically caste-based discrimination. In order to do so it questions notions on caste as a system and on the way that caste performs in nowadays world. The existence of just a single caste system dating from vedic times, the notion of a unique phenomenon from India and the perception of caste as a fixed identity are some of the frontiers that this essay will try to cross. The homologation between racial discrimination and caste-based discrimination will be one of the core debates developed in this essay pointing out two opposite view on the matter. Far from being merely theoretical questions, it will be seen how the definition adopted on the nature of caste-based discrimination could be used as a basis to forge public policies from international organizations towards India and other South Asian countries, such as in the territory of the United Kingdom, referring to the Indian diaspora. The actions of international organizations, such as the International Dalit Solidarity Network, and WCAR will be key actors and instances in such disputes, presenting different strategies to combat this type of discrimination not only in India but across its borders.



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Documentos consultados

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How to Cite
Ibarra, N. L. (2020). Castes: Identities that cross borders. Journal De Ciencias Sociales, (14).